Sunday, February 18, 2007

Knit Out and Crochet 2007 - Fashion Show highlights

Here is a highlight of the Knit Out and Crochet 2007 Fashion Show. I had a front row seat at today's show, yesterday I was in the very last row standing, so these pictures turned out better.

I have to say, every piece in this show was fabulous! As you can see the 2nd portion of the show there were a lot of cream colored pieces. Simply Stunning. I loved each and every piece.


PippaW said...

This dresses are beautiful, and very precious, just like the ones that you do! Did you participate Pam? You should!!!

Mimi said...

Thanks for sharing Pam! Those are lovely, I'm admiring the crochet pieces esp. the wedding dress :)

Anonymous said...

Wish I could have been there, I missed the fashion show but did see Steven and his Glitter Knitters, I also got 2 skeins of free yarn! Mary

Anonymous said...

I love that 70's style long vest in the second group of pics. I want one!

Now that's a wedding dress!

LadyLinoleum said...

Bet you came away with lots of ideas...Cool.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great pictures, Pam! It looks like everyone had a blast!

Jeff said...

This had to be a blast! I wish I could have been there. I was trying to come up but I got a job and couldnt have the weekend off! *pouts*

Great Pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Ok that last comment was from me. I forgot to sign my hubby out! ops!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam!
I ran into you at the MOA, I'm from Eagan, we talked about the Textile Center, you gave me your card. I love your blog, you are so talented, and I hope you get your book published! I'd buy one for sure!

I started on scarfs, but will try something harder now that I understand inc and dec. I am going to try to make your Rasta Tam!

It was great to meet you!

Kathleen Mayer-Johnson
Eagan, MN

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT reportage, Pam! So, what is the secret about crocheted cables? Inquiring minds want to know.

I'm at Stitches West right now, so I know how you feel about being around so many knit and crochet STARS! It's awesome.

Ellen B.

Angie said...

Hi Pam!
Sounds like you had alot of fun. Great pictures of the trip too. All of those outfits are great. I love the little blouse in the bottom left corner. I think that one is my fave.