Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Stash Bustin Coat is DONE!

I love my new coat!

It was a great way to get ride of some yarn stash! I do wish I would have used my yellow though. I was thinking of a rim of color around the collar and sleeves and after adding it I ripped it out, it was too much and my style is more ‘simple elegant’ than busy with color.

I felt the back was the focus, the front should be minimal.

The front closure is still an issue. I used two huge shawl pins for the pictures above, but I realize this does not completed the look. I'm thinking 2 big red buttons or a toggle. I need to ponder this for a day or so before I make the final decision. Any suggestions friends?!


Anonymous said...

Tough call, but awesome jacket.

Anonymous said...

I'd but 2 big buttons on, any color would work, but red would stand out more. Great coat Pam!!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking red buttons. Big buttons. Great coat Pam. I need to knit something from my left-over yarn. It's piling by the minute.

Mimi said...

Looks very warm and of course, stylish!

Anonymous said...

Great coat! Love the swing! Two red buttons sounds perfect.

Ellen Bloom said...

Looks great, Pam. I'm thinking two light blue buttons to go with the trim at the edge of the shoulders. This is in keeping with your simple elegant look.

Anonymous said...

LOVE-love-love this Pam, your style is casual and funky and this coat is true to your style. Even tho we've never met in person I feel like I know you by reading your blog.

I haven't been around in a long time, I moved and my computer wasn't hooked up for a long time. I'm back online now!

Oh yeah, I vote for red or blue buttons, really big ones!

Pam said...

Thanks everyone for the nice comments!

I'm leaning towards 2 big red or blue buttons.

Dave Lowe said...

A tough call on the buttons vs. toggles. You could still add yellow with masking tape and spray paint...then again...forget that idea. This is why I don't crochet ;)

PippaW said...

I looove the jacket, especially the two blue lines at the beginning of the arms, really stylish! I love the pins, but two colored big buttons sound cool as well. Fatntastic job and you look great in the pics! :-)

Anonymous said...

That looks great stunning! I love that jacket!

Sheila said...

I would love to see toggles.. and again... totally love the jacket. Thanks for posting on Cora in the Works.

Rachel said...

very very cute!

MicheleStitches said...

I will be more than happy to send you my address and you can send me that coat! Fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful coat,Pam!

Anonymous said...

That is a really creative way to use scraps and create in interesting shaped coat. Very original!

StitchLuva and Yarn said...

love the jacket. can't wait to see it with the buttons. will you be selling this pattern ??? :-D please!

KnitPastis said...

I love the jacket! You did a great job using up scraps. It's so cool looking!!

Sabra said...

Wonderful coat--definite wearable art. As far as closures, I've got a different idea. I'd go with frogs (like these: in a color as close to the main blue as I could get. It'd give a sort of subtle/fancy look to it.

KnitPastis said...

I really love this jacket and the stitch you used on it!

Question, if you can remember. What yarn is the brand & color of the main dark blue yarn you used for it?

Pam said...

Hey Stitchluva - I did not write this pattern down, but am working on a similar one for future publication.

Hey long lost friend Bella Linda! Your idea is brilliant! Your advice is right on, I'm thinking I'm going to find some frogs!

Hey Knitpastis - I'm so sorry, I don't know what type of yarn that is. Stash VS memory, stash won.

LG said...

AWESOME jacket, Pam! (I´m clapping hands here!) and hey, you are a supertop model!

'THAT CROCHET GUY!!' said...

I really like this jacket. You put alot of thought and work into it. I can imagine the time it took to make it.

The front reminds me of knitted jacket from the Spring 2006 issue of Interweave Knits called 'Sunrise Circle Jacket'(I think you can see it online).

Great work on the Fluffy Cocoon Coat as well.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever finish the pattern like this one to sell??? I'm in love with this coat!