It has been a lifetime since I've posted on this blog, and I've missed it.
I've missed the connection to many who love to do what I do.... crochet. I've battled Stage III Breast Cancer and won the battle. I put many things "on hold" to focus on winning the battle of a lifetime, and at one point couldn't crochet. I stopped blogging. I stopped attending group meet-ups. I stopped going out in public. But the need to create, as much a creative outlet as therapy, has continued on and here I am, hoping to continue my love for crochet in this public form, my blog. My designing days are but a dream and my focus will be my continued passion to shower the people I love with crochet gifts. And perhaps make some things for myself.
This baby dress is for a co-worker who is expecting.
I purchased this lovely yarn from a yarn shop I found in Prior Lake, Minnesota.
Twisted Loop located in the Prior Lake Library Building
16210 Eagle Creek Avenue
Prior Lake, MN 55372
(952) 240-8550
LOVE this quaint shop and the vibrant owner Jenni Krosnowski was so welcoming.
I promise to show a picture when the baby dress is done and perhaps some of the other WIPs I have going on. Thanks for stopping by the Knotty Generation!