Thursday, June 01, 2006

An offer I couldn’t refuse!

Amie from NexStitch (check out her super cool crochet patterns and her blog ) emailed me an offer I couldn’t refuse.

There was a producer of a TV showing pursuing Amie to be on a new craft show on the DIY channel called Uncommon Threads

Then the producer asked if she knew any crochet designers who could be on the show(s) also, well bless Amie’s dear heart, she emailed me the offer I couldn’t refuse and we ran with it!! I can’t give out any details on what we’ve designed, but it’s all so totally cool, I don't think its ever been done before, we are breaking new ground and it's HOT!! I think we are really close to getting the final OK, they loved all the ideas we’ve put out. Sounds as if the filming is for 3 shows and will be in LA with a production company name Screen Door Entertainment sometime in August or September, and air time to TBD.

This sounds like a totally cool new show on the DIY channel, by the same folks that produce the awesome knitting show, Knitty Gritty with the super sweet Vickie Howell.

So my dear friends, I'm dreaming of LA sometime late this summer, hoping to demonstrate an origianl crochet design (or two) on TV. I can't believe how cool this is so totally good.


  1. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Pam! This is so great for you, your personality will shine and your love of crochet is unbeatable, I wish you much success as this oppotunity unfolds! Did I show you my pink sunburst granny square? Hope to see on Tues/PIU with the kids! :)Mary

  2. Anonymous7:20 PM


    Yeah, our stuff ROCKS. "Fer sure" as we'd say in Jersey. "Fer sure." I'm excited to jump into this all. I can't wait to see your stuff! Hey, did they tell you about making a home movie/video? Esh, I need to get a hair cut BADLY. LOL. At least they won't show it on the air! (i hope)

  3. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Gosh, this is amazing news! Congrats!!! This is such a great opportunity for you, and I know that you'll score big time! Too bad that I can't see the show over here, but who knows, perhaps one day? I'm sooo curious to see the design you made! Fingers crossed and all the best of luck to you!

  4. OMG, this is such an exciting news!!!!!!!
    I can't wait to see you and your great designs on TV!!!!! I'm sure you'll succeed, and maybe one day you'll have your own show! :)

  5. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I knew something "big" would happen to you, you've got that spirit. Congrats girl, you're future is bright!

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    You are so talented it is about time you hit the big time! I love my little bracelet purse, made one for my mom and sis. Can't wait to hear more about the show.

  7. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Hey Pam,
    So back to LA you go my little sister who dreams big and goes far! I Love YOU and can't wait to chat on the phone about this amazing apportunity! I can help watch the boys when your gone :) Love Ya,
    Sister Sue

  8. Hey Pam congrats! I'm doing the show too!!!

  9. Oh, and when you guys are in LA, let me know and we can all go out for cocktails and yarn shopping!!

  10. Pam,
    Congrats! That is soooo cool and exciting. I look forward to watching the show.
    Happy Hooking!

  11. Oooh, sounds exciting! I hope you'll share or show us the project after it is aired. I dont think we have that show on our cable tv...

  12. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Cograts, Pam! That's so exciting! Okay, I'm about to have my "I Want DIY" tantrum!! Good luck!

  13. Big Congrats to you and it's about time! I wished I got DIY. Have fun doing the segments and can't wait to see what you make. This is really exciting!

  14. Whaou! this is so great! I can't wait to read more about it!

  15. Wow, so glad for you this is fantastic !!! (if only I could watch these shows here though... :-/ )

  16. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Pam, I'm really happy for you, I did your bracelet purse pattern and your rasta hat (for my son - he loved it) I love to see what you are coming up with, thanks for sharing your free patterns and good luck with the tv show! Linda Lewis

  17. I´m reading all the posts I missed the last month and ...

    OMG Pam! This is so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can imagine you and your friend going there and everything... I´m not able to see the show here in Buenos Aires, but at least take a pic from the TV when you appear and post it here!

  18. Anonymous12:03 AM

    I know I've told you this in person, but dang, you are going to ROCK!

  19. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Hi, I think Uncommon Threads is sometimes on HGTV but not very often. I even saw so once.


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