Sunday, August 13, 2006

Uncommon Threads - Taping in LA

Our Dressing Room!
Amie, Judy (our Producer)and me
For the last 3 months, we’ve worked on specific projects for the show; we’ve broken down our projects for easy demonstration (called step-outs) and basic scripting for conversation during the taping. All that changed the morning we starting taping, but it all worked out pretty darn cool I’d say. Some projects were totally cut from the line-up, which I was OK with (as mine was super small) BUT Amie had a project cut that was extremely time consuming, so I felt really bad for her. All in all, I think we had a great taping, a great director and producer, who allowed us to do a bit of “show and tell” to showcase our crochet designs (hoping this will direct some traffic to our websites for business.)

Working on step-outs before taping, I'm a little nervous here.
Just before we were going to start taping, one of my skeins of yarn got tangled, and Dave, one of the props guys, jumped in and untangled my yarn, gotta love that! He also would re-thread the sewing machine for Allison between “takes”. I’ve decided I’d like a props person around the house, for when I need a little extra help…oh…wait a minute, that’s only in Hollywood.

Dave in from the props dept. untangles my yarn
Yes, our days were long, averaging around 12 hours. We had some down time, got to met another group filming a sewing episode. I LOVED to talk with Jane, the wardrobe guru. She gave me some valuable advice and I plan on following through with her advice on getting a professional haircut. You see, my husband Scott has cut my hair for the last 8 years, just an inch off the bottom every 6 months or so. But it is time to get a ’new do’ I think. I’ve had this hair style for almost a decade. Yep, 10 years, just pull it back, tie it on top, rat and spray. Time to upgrade, hey, I’ve just got back from LA where everyone is beautiful!

Here I am on the set (in the coral shirt) with the crew

Here we are on TV!
Drew, Allison, Amie and me

Here we are showing our bags for one episode. Not sure if we can show our designs, so the bags are blurred, to protect the innocent.
Amie, me and Drew

We are all on set, Allison is demoing some sewing. We look enthralled!

During my travels, I took the opportunity to meet some folks. I met an array of characters; I had layovers each way so I had a total of 4 flights, that’s a lot of people to meet! I had a layover in Phoenix on my way out to LA and I met a nun from India, who looked like a younger version of Mother Teresa. She was traveling from Phoenix to New York, to London, to her home in India to see her dying mother. She told me her story and I starting crying, she gave me a big hug and we wished each other safe travels. I also met a Navy officer from San Diego, on “leave” to go home to Wisconsin, we talked about the military life, as my husband Scott’s brother Steve is in the military and was stationed in San Diego. We also agreed that growing up in the Midwest allows us to easily talk strangers; I told him I talk to everyone, strange or not. I also sat next to a couple from Watts, which is a rough suburb of Los Angeles. They were flying for the very first time, going gambling in Vegas. We talked for a long time about turbulence. They didn’t like turbulence, but liked getting drinks on the plane.

Back in Minnesota, life is just the same, but I feel different. I feel like I've just had every crochet designers fairy tale dream come true, to be on a craft show that features crochet. I will be forever grateful to Amie for bringing me along on this great adventure, I'm thrilled to have met The Crochet Dude, Drew Emborsky. I will cherish every crazy moment and every stress filled rehearsal.

Stay tuned to find out when the 3 epsoides will air on the DIY channel!


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Pam, you were a dream to work with. Whatever was asked of you, you did with a smile and with sincerity. I'm excited to see you release your own great patterns, whether it's for a book or on your own. I couldn't have been more impressed with your ideas and enthusiasm. Given the chance, I'd work with you again in a heartbeat.

  2. YOU GO GIRL!! I am so happy for you Pam!

  3. Anonymous9:08 PM

    How exciting!! What an awesome adventure! I'm looking forward to seeing the cousin is going to tape them for me.

  4. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Pam, I'm not surprised you made friends with everyone, your smile is contagioius! You look fab, but when can I see your projects? Do I have to wait for the show????

  5. I'm so glad I got to meet you! I bet you are happy to be home. I'm reading through everybody's stuff and taking in the various perspectives.

  6. Awww! Please think long and hard before you cut your hair!! I LOVE your hair! I think it keeps you young and sassy looking. You look GREAT just the way you are!

    PS If you decide to leave it long, I would be honored to send you a free pair of custom-designed hair sticks to use for up-do's. (You can see what I make at

    And if you DO cut it, I will STILL think you are the bee's knees! Heck, you could shave your head and I would still think you're super!

  7. Oh! I should add I also enjoyed getting to shoot the breeze with Jane Mannfolk (I'm customizing an apron for her). She has this great no-nonsense communication style.

  8. Hi Pam!
    So sorry I didn't get to meet you while you were in L.A. Drew couldn't rave enough about how great you are! I met up with Drew and Crazy Aunt Purl on Saturday morning at our SnB meeting.

    Go ahead...cut your hair! It will always grow back if you don't like it. The competition for good looks is fierce here in Hollywood, so the hairdresser at DIY knows what she's talking about! Can't wait to see your new doooo!

    Ellen B.
    Los Angeles

  9. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Hey, the new blog color background is GREAT!

  10. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Sounds like a trip! Knew you'd do it good, but you can't cut your hair just cuz some LA make-up-lady said you should, please...

  11. Hi Pam! Thank you for this great blog account of the experience. I love seeing each person's viewpoint! I was very intimidated to be on camera with such a super-model! You could so host your own show, you've got the stage presence. Crochet on!

  12. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Pam, you got to meet the Crochet Dude?! Well your now famous by association! Glad you had a great time, you deserve it. Don't forget us little people!

  13. Sounds like a great adventure! Glad your home safe...

  14. Wow Pam, you did great! I dont think I'll be able to watch the show, but I can see that you were fantastic in it ;)

  15. Pam - so glad you're back safe and glad you had a fabulous time! I also can't wait to see your new 'do. I see you brightened the blog, too! Change is good...Just don't change too much, too fast. Hope to see you soon at SnB or out and about running errands.

  16. Hi Pam

    Thanks for the "nod". Glad I was there to untangle yarn and make your visit easier. I could right a book about how often little things like that happen just before taping.
    You were a great guest on camera and off enduring the backstage antics with a smile.
    The picture you posted is great because I can now prove to my parol officer I have a job (joke).
    Hope to see you next season.


  17. I´m so happy for you Pam!!! This is really exciting, my friend!

  18. Pam,
    Blogging makes this a very small world! I found you through a link on NexStitch; then I read on to find out you taped the show with Drew, our local crochet star and sometimes customer at my yarn shop. I look forward to the episode and your book! I'll be back to keep up with what's new with you.

  19. Oh, I am so happy you had such an enriching experience! I did too. And will again (my episodes split up). I cannot wait to see what genius unfolds when your episode airs. Next time we all must meet up! I will drive to Burbank!

    You're the best Pam!

  20. Hi Pam

    I had a question about publishing patterns. Do know where I need to send my patterns to get them published? If you could tell me could you email me back at

    Thank you


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