Saturday, April 14, 2007

Another Cell Phone Cozy

Teal and Lime Cell Phone Cozy
Yep, another cell phone cozy, this one with beads! Super easy, left over yarn, left over beads, about ½ hour of my time while watching the boys at the park and my phone got a new cozy!

Craft Yarn Council’s website
I made it on the Craft Yarn Council’s website for the Knit Out at the Mall of America in Minnesota, well my hair did. Click on this link knitoutbrochure.html Scroll down to the picture of Lily Chin giving her demo, she’s holding 2 orange swatches, see that mass of brown hair in the lower right corner, that’s me!

This month marks my 2 Year Blogiversary!
2 years and almost 50,000 visits to Knotty Generation! Wow, back on April 20, 2005 my first post was on my 2004 Warm Up America afghan. Back then I had no idea how important this blog would be in my life. My husband coined the term 'Knotty Generation'. As soon as he said it, I knew that was me! I’ve had a few versions of the logo, finally decided on the current on, registered trademark and copywrites to Knotty Generation and forged ahead in my dream of writing a crochet pattern book. Some things in the last 2 years...
  • I gained a wealth of knowledge of HTML
  • I challenged my creativity and expanded my crochet skills
  • I fully developed my design skills and began selling patterns on line
  • I was on TV! Uncommon Threads on HGTV (and someday on the DIY network.)
  • I was in a magazine! The Spring 2007 issue of Burnsville Magazine.
  • I was interviewed by Kate on Bella Online Crochet Site.
  • I joined some fantastic on-line groups of like-minded crochet folks who share my insane love of all things crochet!
  • I’ve formed some fantastic friendships through the internet, blogging and Crochetville.
  • I have a fantastic way to promote my intense commitment to Warm Up America.
Thanks friends for stopping by, may your yarn never tangle.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    You rock, Pam! Congrats and Happy Blogiversary! I look forward to many more years reading your blog and marveling at your designs. :o)

  2. Happy Blogiversary Pam!
    Thanks to your contribution to crochet online and for your kind words and deeds. I'm so happy to be one of your online pals :D

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Happy Blogiversary Pam!!!

  4. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Hey Pam,
    Congrats! I remember your first entry and have enjoyed watching you grow into a crochet diva!
    Love Ya,
    Sister Sue

  5. Happy Blogiversary and many more... and Thanks for posting on my Bikini Set on Crochetville.

  6. Happy 2nd Blogiversary!! Sorry I missed it :-(

    Hope you have a great week!


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