Sunday, November 07, 2010

Hats from Ravelry Friends - Halloween Edition

Anne Marie from New Jersey
Norah from Washington
Debra from Virgina

The woman of Ravelry are out there to put a smile on my face and keep me warm. I received a box from Anne Marie, with another shipment of the greatest hats. I wore the Witch Hat on Halloween and the day after. I'm so humbled by the love and support.

Anne Marie's Witch Hat (without hair)

Anne Marie's Witch Hat (with hair, thanks Anne Marie!)

Norah's Classic Beret, so soft! Thanks Norah!

Debra's sleek sage, with a cute brim, thanks Debra!

Here is 'no hat'. For those that might have known me (by blogging or otherwise) I had long brown hair, it's all gone. Chemo has taken it away, but I'm ok with that. I'm 1/2 way done with chemo, last chemo is Dec. 22. Then I start 7 weeks of radiation. By March 2011 I should be done with treatments and on the road to recovery, and then be growing my hair back.

Thanks to the Ravlery group for the hats, you've made my day (a couple times!) -Pam


  1. Pam! You look fantastic in ALL of the hats! You're lucky to have such a perfectly shaped head!!!

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I can't remember my google password, so it's me--Ann Marie--you made me chuckle and I needed that one today. Who knew it would be a reverse gift...or is that regifting??? :)

    You look like Prof. McGonigle without the hair and the chuckle came with the hair. You are brave. Hang in there!

  3. I love the beret, it really suits you

  4. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Wow, I love all of them! What a cool idea!
    Can't wait to see you on Saturday!
    Sister Sue

  5. Hi Pam!

    not sure if you remember me. I wish you get through chemo and keep designing those wonderful crochet.
    I really do hope you beat it and get through.


  6. Anonymous4:49 AM

    I've visited your blog off and on for a while, but today, this post caught my eye. I am also half way through chemotherapy and also have a bald head. I loved seeing your hats.
    I'm hoping that they will inspire me to crochet a couple for myself.

    I hope your treatment is going well.



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