Sunday, November 07, 2010

Hats from Ravelry Friends - Halloween Edition

Anne Marie from New Jersey
Norah from Washington
Debra from Virgina

The woman of Ravelry are out there to put a smile on my face and keep me warm. I received a box from Anne Marie, with another shipment of the greatest hats. I wore the Witch Hat on Halloween and the day after. I'm so humbled by the love and support.

Anne Marie's Witch Hat (without hair)

Anne Marie's Witch Hat (with hair, thanks Anne Marie!)

Norah's Classic Beret, so soft! Thanks Norah!

Debra's sleek sage, with a cute brim, thanks Debra!

Here is 'no hat'. For those that might have known me (by blogging or otherwise) I had long brown hair, it's all gone. Chemo has taken it away, but I'm ok with that. I'm 1/2 way done with chemo, last chemo is Dec. 22. Then I start 7 weeks of radiation. By March 2011 I should be done with treatments and on the road to recovery, and then be growing my hair back.

Thanks to the Ravlery group for the hats, you've made my day (a couple times!) -Pam

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hats from Ravelry Friends

Ann Marie from New Jersey

Diane from Connecticut

Ellen from California

Susan from Arizona

Sherry from Virginia

All woman crafters. All like me, they see the world a better place by being nice.

This is their Rav Group Details:

Know someone who could use a lift? We do! Crochet a cap for a fellow Rav friend and make their day.

Sometimes charity begins at home! Many of you know Pam Gillette who is Knotty Generation through her blog and her wonderful crochet designs. Pam discovered last month that she has stage 3 breast cancer. We thought it would be nice if her Rav friends crocheted some “fun” caps that she could wear while she’s in treatment--a way to lift her spirits and get her through recovery.

Knitters and crocheters are a giving group, often working for charity and forgetting ourselves. Here’s a chance to give back to a fellow Raveler. Once Pam is on the mend, or even while she is ON the mend, there may be another Raveler who can use a similar thoughtful gesture. Let’s see where this goes!

This is what I wrote on the Raverly site where these women formed to begin a campaign to help folks like me, a Raverly member needing a hug, in the form of a hand made warm hat to cover a chemo induced bald head.

I can not begin to write how I feel right now, but I will try.

Today, a beautifully wrapped pink package, with a cream satin bow, hardly able to unwrap because it is beauty itself. Once unwrapped and the contents shown, tears filled my eyes from friends hardly known, but today I know you … you are just like me. We are “every woman”, we are crafters, we care, we love, we are not afraid to show it, this is how the entire world should be.

I am so blessed to have your thoughts and now your beautiful work, thank you, thank you, thank you.

A very thankful and blessed,
-Pam Gillette from Knotty Generation

Monday, October 11, 2010

Crochet Baby Winter Dress

Another version of the Baby Winter Dress, this one with ties,
this version could be worn both ways, with ties in front or back.
This was a gift for my niece Rallista and her new baby girl Khole.

I crochet gifts because it makes me feel good

Recovered from Chemo Session #2 and coming up on Chemo Session #3 on Wednesday. I have been feeling well enough to crochet, and we all know that crochet is therapy. How could I have ever thought I'd need a break from crochet? I started and finished this project in 4 days, that felt very good.

This classic cream color Baby Winter Dress is for a special co-worker who is having a baby soon. This is my own design, I've done several variations, some as cardigan button up and some as pullover with front ties. (Right now, the pattern is not tested and is not for sale.)

My new tags, "An Original by Pam Gillette".

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Crocheting through Chemo Session #2

Chemo Session #2 project: simple black shrug for myself. I used a white dishcloth my mother hand stitched as back drop, the black yarn is hard to see, white background helps the stitches stand out. My mom couldn't be there with me for chemo today due to flooding in Minnesota, but her dishcloth with oranges embroidered on it made me feel like she was there.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crocheting through chemo

I felt the overwhelming urge to crochet....I can't take a break. I see a need for folks to keep warm during chemo, my gears are ticking on what I can crochet for those feeling the effects of chemo and don't have someone close to them that knits or crochets. Caps, Prayer Shawls, lap-ghans. Love wrapped in yarn's knots. I will crochet thorough my next chemo session, which is tomorrow, and I will be joined by my knitting mother. Love wraps itself around those knots, I know it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

On an extended break

I'm not sure of any other way to convey this information, I'm taking an extended break ....

Friday, May 07, 2010

This moment makes it all worth while

I hosted a Baby Shower for a co-worker today, he and his wife are having a baby girl. I crocheted an adorable baby cardigan in pinkish/mauve worsted weight washable wool, (my own design!) and this moment makes it all worth while. I crochet for others because I love to give.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Happy Easter

Several years ago, I met a woman in my Warm Up America group, she was a long time volunteer, oh so nice, and when I dragged my boys along to the meetings, she would always have "something" for them. One year near Easter, she made these adorable bunnies for us, I wished I asked for her pattern, but I didn't.

Another gift she gave us was crocheted turkeys for Thanksgiving that when you squeezed their belly, they "pooped" out M&M candy. It was a hoot, she had an opening in the back of the turkey body that you could fill with M&M's, my boys laughed until they cried.

I've lost track of her over the years, but still think of her. Her name was Carolyn. She always had a seasonal crochet gift for my me and my boys. If you are reading this blog post, thanks Carolyn for all the cute gifts. We've kept them all and put them out every season and think of your kindness.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Itty Bitty Crochet Hearts

I volunteered to help out both my son's Valentine’s Day parties on Friday Feb. 12th. I can't wait! For my oldest son’s party the kids are making Valentine's cards to bring to the local Nursing Home residents. Yesterday I'm waiting in the dentist office while my boys had their check-ups, scrap yarn handy, crochet hook ready... I made up a few Itty Bitty Hearts for Valentines Day. I’m thinking we can glue some of these little crochet hearts on the cards, or make little magnets. I’m sure there are a ton of other ideas to use these little cuties.

Itty Bitty Crochet Hearts

H-8 (5mm) crochet hook and worsted weight yarn used in this sample
but you could use any weight yarn and appropriate hook.

Ch 2

Row 1: In first chain, work 6 sc, sl st to form circle, ch 2 for turning ch. Pull yarn tail to tighten circle.

Row 2: work 2 dc into first st, sc next 2 sts, work [1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc] to next st, (forms bottom of heart) sc next 2 sts, work 2 dc into last st.

Fasten off and weave in end.

My gears are ticking thinking of ways to use these for Valentine's Day! Share your tips or ideas if you'd like!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

I must make Teddy Bears!

I was overcome with an overwhelming need to crochet Teddy Bears, I get like this once in awhile. I keep thinking of the children in Haiti. I've crochet for the Mother Bear project before, but was thinking I could make up my own teddy bear pattern, and after a few tries, (as cute as they are) they are not nearly as good as the Mother Bear pattern, plus I was not sure where I could send my bears, and how could they get to the children in Haiti. So I've shifted focus to making as many Teddy Bears for the Mother Bear Project as I can. I know she'll get them to the children that need them, this organization is very well established and I'm so excited to get back involved.

Above: My attempts at a quick and easy Teddy Bear pattern......
.....but I'm going to stick with the Mother Bear Project pattern.

The Mother Bear Project is dedicated to providing comfort and hope to children affected by HIV/AIDS in emerging nations, by giving them a gift of love in the form of a hand-knit or crocheted bear.

The simple gift of a hand-knit bear with a tag signed by the knitter has touched children with the message that they are unconditionally loved.

I made an afghan for myself, cream colored mohair blend,
in this picture above it is folded in half,
it's long and covers me from toes to chin!

I'm revisiting my Baby Cable Sock pattern,
this has been on my "to finish" list for over a year.

I also crocheted a purple scarf to wear to a Viking's game, made matching gauntlets too, all to match my Helga Hat. Trying to keep warm here in Minnesota, thanks for stopping by Knotty Generation. -Pam