Saturday, February 17, 2007

Knit Out and Crochet 2007 - Feb. 17, 2007

What an amazing day I just had!! I spend 5 hours at the Mall of America for the huge Knit Out and Crochet 2007, it was so cool to be around so many folks who love yarn.

I arrive at the mall around 1pm for my scheduled meet up with Bea from my Warm Up America Group, then I met YarnCat, aka Catherine Lindsay

I met Yarncat in person!

Then we meet up with Christy, from Purling Away and watched the fashion show, very cool, but my pictures are so fuzzy I wont even post them.

There was a special presentation for Save the Children/Warm Up America with the highlight being able to honor Evie Rosen, the founder of Warm Up America. The highlight of my day involves her later on.

Christy, YarnCat and I sat in with Lily Chin and her presentation on reading crochet charts. Lily was wearing the most beautiful crochet and bead top, her creation of course! She is so spunky, she talks a mile a minute and knows her stuff inside and out. Her bit on symbols was a good refresher for me.

Lily Chin "at the office"

Lily Chin and me - I was so thrilled to meet her!

Fastest Crochet Lisa Gentry made an appearance on the stage; she won, of course, and then gave her award (a bag full of yarn) to a pre-teen girl who was also entered in the contest, very sweet gesture on Lisa’s part.

Lisa Gentry - she's fast!

We wandered around the vendor booths, there was yarn galore, I was in heaven! Sticks and hooks that light up, magazines and free patterns everywhere! I ran into Zandy, who owns Zandy’ Yarn shop in Burnsville and then met Steven, who owns the Yarn Garage in Rosemount, two of the LYS that I love!

I also got a quick smile from Candi Jensen,

Candi Jensen - I love her!

We scored free yarn at the Michael's booth. Then came the "The Highlight of the Day" I got to meet and talk with Evie Rosen, the founder of Warm Up America. She's a humble person, with a simple wish to help folks out. I wish I could be half a person she's been. About 3 years ago, I made a lifetime commitment to volunteer for Warm Up America.

My Hero - Evie Rosen

I also got to meet Vickie Howell WHEW! 5pm came fast and we said our goodbyes. Yummy yarn stash in hand, a new crochet hook, some huge size 17 knitting needles (errr drum sticks!) and tons of patterns, my bag was full, my feet hurt and I was ready to come home.

BUT I plan to go back Sunday, I missed Annie Modesitt and Brett Bara. I'll post about my yarn adventures tomorrow!

Vickie Howell is too cute!

My goodies from the day - Paton's Divine is yummy!


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Pam,I had so much fun!Wish we could do it every Saturday!!Catherine/Yarncat

  2. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Meeting the idols sounds like a real treat! What fun!

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Wow! You really made the rounds, Pam! How fun!

  4. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I love the fact that you met some beautiful and famous gals, but yet have Evie Rosen as your hero.


  5. Wow, looks like lot of fun! I feel like I know those famous persons, including you Pam :) I've seen Catherine's work online and always read her posts at the forums, and I've admired Lily Chin for the past (many, many) years. Your photos are lovely!


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